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Operation Hilltop

Operation Hilltop is Task Force Ghost & 160th SOAR's first Operation in San Andreas. Intel suggested that a hostile encampment had been kidnapping local hikers in the mountain side for several weeks. As well as selling and buying local weapons between a PMC called "Merry Weather" and the ruthless biker gang called "The Lost MC".

As this was causing worry for the Government, TFG and 160th were sent into San Andreas to begin operations to wipe out hostiles all over the state.

Operation Hilltop, was a very successful operation, but yet shocking. Showing that these new found criminal organisations weren't going down without a fight.

The head of this operation, was Field Commander, Captain Ghost "Optic". A long with other Commanding Officers, such as Captain Ghost "Athens", Captain Ghost "Red" and Captain Ghost "Sandstorm".

Thanks to 160th's air support and with "Athens" leading the support teams, along side with Mechanized Infantry [Bravo team] and the rest of the ground forces were able to engage the hostile's main HQ up in Mount Chiliad without fatal loses. Ground Teams found and destroyed weapon and drug shipments at the encampment. As well as taking out all hostiles who were there.

It was thought that the Operation was over but Ghost Actual passed down Intel that the canyon near by, also needed to be cleared of hostiles. As the canyon was too dangerous for 160th to provide any air support, the pilots went back to FOB and awaited further orders. Captain Ghost "Optic" lead a squadron sized amount of Task Force Ghost operators along with the Support Teams. As of arriving into the canyon, the Operators were met with deadly fire power from hostiles, along with multiple IEDs throughout the canyon. Task Force Ghost reacted back with a powerful push through the canyon, taking out all the hostiles that remained.

However during this fire fight, Field Commander Ghost "Optic" went MIA and was later found by a search team, upon finding him, beaten and shot, as well on a homemade, 18 pound IED explosive. Explosive Expert 1st Lieutenant "Burns" took a life risking shot at saving "Optic", but amazingly both did survive. "Burns" was however, heavily injured and put into a coma state as well as quickly bleeding out. [He is predicted to be back out in the field in a few weeks]. First aid was applied to "Burns" and he was moved 2km West out of the canyon. He was then exfilled in a hurry back to base along with "Optic".

Many hours later, Task Force Ghost Operators returned back to base, safe and sound without further loses. They did take out all hostiles near the canyon and the encampment as well as securing the illegal shipments. The Operation was a success even though some Operators were injured. Operation Hilltop is a fine reminder that the next few months would not be easy on TFG or 160th.

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